Mary Fox (Avinashi Saraswati)
Massage Therapist
What I do:
I find the places of tension, make contact and converse with them. What touch do they need to release? Deep holding, passive lengthening, restoration of the rhythmic relaxation of breath, perhaps inner organ re-positioning, Maybe cranio-sacral rhythm to float the bones on fluid, or the joyful liquid melting of myofascial release and lymphatic drainage. Foot reflexology to work distantly on places that can’t be touched, for example post surgery, for inner organs and on energetic disturbances. Where I come from: I began my life with a fascination for the inner world and its intricate qualities. I learnt to meditate and get to know my psyche. I learnt to enjoy the macrocosm of my body while on the microcosm of a yoga mat in my bedroom. Yoga practice became the centre of my life for ten years living in Satyananda Ashram, Mangrove Mountain Australia. It gave me a deep sense of myself, and the ability to ‘think, fast and wait’ (Herman Hesse, Sindhartha). Over thirty years I have expressed this through my hands in the touch of massage. I have run my own clinic in Canberra and have been loving living in the lovely town of Mullumbimby. You can read even more about me on my website: My Qualifications are:
Massage fees $80 per Hour To Make an Appointment: Ph: (02) 6684 6124 Lotus Centre Clinic Ph: (02) 6684 0469 Home Mob: 0421 701 949 Email: [email protected] Website: |